Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Question 5

Do you ever get in the way of God? How can you place "your" plans/life aside so God can move in and give you "real life"?

Question 4

Have you ever been so far from God that you didn't even know that "God had left"? Or that you have actually left God? I love how she tells the story of how Samson was not only down, but beaten, tortured and then abused some more. I feel like this is what the devil does to us. I could totally relate to how Samson felt spiritually in this turmoil. But then Shelia says "he is still a child of God". Have you ever experienced as spiritually devastating as this?

Question 3

Why don't we just give into God? Especially when we have to run back to him because we have gotten to so far, then right when we feel close to God we run away again. Why don't we just stay with him?

question 2

God's ways require more of us then choosing our way. We have to trust him and his guidance which usually is unseen. Other then prayer and Study are their other ways you have found to to stick with God and leave yourself?

Question 1

When Samson wondered into the land of the Philistines he made the choice to trust what HE saw rather then what GOD saw. In what ways do you do this? Are you choosing daily to depend on God or depend on what you see?

Chapter 10 discussion

This was an interesting chapter to me. I liked what Shelia brought up about how even though Samson was continually avoiding and ignoring his calling God's spirit still came upon him. I think the devil tells me in my life that if I keep ignoring God's leading God will try and go lead someone else to his gift for me. But this chapter reminds me that this is not true... God still wants for us what he has planned for us all along!

Question 4

God remembers us... he doesn't forget us... he sees us all the time. This was an encouraging thought to me as I read. I need to remember to trust his guidance to whatever is His ultimate goal in my life. Do you feel God leading you or do you feel as if he has forgotten you?

Question 3

Joseph knew he had special gifts ordained by God. Granted he was not humble with them but he still knew that God was going to use him... BUT he had to wait years upon years to use his gift. I think this is kind of exciting that it may have looked so dark for him but God had a greater plan the whole time. But, at the same time I am scared because I want the full "power" of my gift right away! What is God doing with you?

question 2

Something in this chapter that touched my heart is when Shelia's mentor told her "God is more interested in what he is doing in you thane through you". Do you agree with this statement?

I felt like there may be some truth in this because I always beat myself up because I just don't always see the fruits of my labors... I wonder "am I really doing anything for God". But maybe God really is more interested in our journey and growth before he worries about what we are doing for him? What do you think?

Question 1

Do you have a dream or vision that you know God has given you but you just can't see how it will get accomplished now? Or maybe there you just feel like God has left you and you don't know what his plan is?

Chapter 9 Discussion

Wow, God just spoke to me directly in this chapter. I think we all have dreams that had and now because of "life" we just don't get to accomplish them and wonder where they went. This chapter was wonderful and I think that we all can relate too! Did anyone have anything that stood out to you that touched your heart? Or maybe that you didn't agree with?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Question 4

What did you enjoy about the chapter? Was there anything you would like to bring up in the discussion?

Question 3

We all know that we are to trust God with everything, but many times it is more "head knowledge", not "heart knowledge"... Why is it hard for you YOU to trust God?

question 2

Have you ever questioned God? Have you ever questioned an "answer" when God gave it to you? I feel like we are constantly doing what Gideon did. God most times speaks in a small voice, not large signs. If we don't see a burning bush we question him. But I think even if God gave this to us we would still question

Question 1

Have you ever been in a place or position that God was calling you to move to? Somewhere were you could not even begin to see the outcome on the other side? Did you test God, or just go?

chapter 8 Discussion

This has been my favorite chapter so far. I really enjoyed the story about Gideon and what Shelia pointed out. I had never thought of Gideon continually testing God even after he gave him an answer (which is just what the story is about). I guess I just never made the deeper connection to this part of the story. I do this so many times with God and I feel like God really spoke to me through it this time...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Question 2

I always have like the story of Saul/Paul because I feel like I can really relate to his transformation. I had never thought of before how Saul and the other Christians were praying to the same God, each thinking they were doing the best that God wanted... It really made me think "what am I wrong about that I think I am right about?" I mean all Christians think the are "right" in their beliefs. I believe that I keep the Bible because of my fruits and what the Bible says but what if there is something we are missing?

Question 1

There is a part early in this chapter when Shelia talks about the old man at her church that screams ADVENTIST ATTITUDE to me... ha ha. Mr. Hornal was always pointing out what was wrong about Shelia, her clothes, etc. and I know many Adventists have the reputation of this. But when you read further she says how when you look at his meaning behind this it was because he was so in love with God and wanted others to be too. How can we love these type of people better? Do you have a Mr. Hornal in your church?

Chapter 6 Discussion

Hello ladies! I hope you all had a wonderful week. Ours was very very busy! I really enjoyed this chapter and the Holy Spirit provided some deep thinking for me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Question 4

Shelia writes that Gods love, and call for Tabitha embodied who she was. I so long for that... to be a woman for God. Not just a Christian woman but someone who God "embodies" 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. I just can never get to that point... How do you do this?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Question 3

The part about the chapter that touched me so much in this chapter was in the "Evidence of the Life of Christ in Us" section. She writes that we cannot have a loving relationship with God without having a heart change. As I read this and looked at the examples of how love changes us I was remembering how God has changed me. How has God changed you, how is he still changing you?

Question 1

This chapter talks about Tabitha... the only women in the Bible to be labeled as a "disciple" of Christ. She is a women described, not as a hard headed, driven man-women kind of women but instead someone who was gentle, quiet and just gave to others when she could. I think that lots of times when we try to "be somebody" for God we think we need to be like a man-disciple. Be a modern, do it all, with-it kind of career women. This women was the soft, compassionate women who worked quietly for God. How do we become this kind of women-disciple?

Chapter 7 Discussion

I am having a hard time keeping up with the blog apparently! Ha ha, I read chapter 7 instead of six! So if you have not read it feel free to read it now and blog at will... I will read 6 next week or we can skip it!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Question 4

In the study portion (in the back) Shelia switches gears a bit and talks about Paul's conversion. She talks about Christ's love being fierce for us and can knock us down so we have to look up to see his glory. Have you had this experience with God? Do you know how passionate his love is for you and your interests?

I see so many SDA Christians who have never had a real experience with God... they walk though their Christianity with head knowledge of God but know heart knowledge. Where do you think you are in your conversion?

Question 3

On p. 67 she discusses how before this specific miracle the Pharisees felt "Jesus was manageable". I loved this statement! How exciting to think that NO ONE can manage Jesus. Nothing can keep him down, or doing what it is we need of him. The devil must have been so frustrated. What does it mean in your life to know that the leader of your life can not be managed by earthly things, that you have all the power in the universe standing at your side of the battle?

Question 2

Shelia talks about how Jesus called his friend "out of the darkness and into the light'. I love the deeper meaning! Like Lazarus, Jesus calls us out of our "dead lives" and into a fresh new life in the light of God. Does this concept have a special meaning to you?

Question 1

I really enjoyed the points the author brings out about how Jesus felt during Lazarus's death (p. 65). I couldn't help but wonder was Jesus questioning God? Was he asking the "why" question even though he knew why and that he could bring him back to life? What do you think?

Chapter 5 Discussion

Good Morning! I am so sorry I didn't get to the blog last week. Time just slipped right past me. I felt this chapter was different from the others being as she focused on the story of Lazarus and Mary as opposed to her own personal story. Did you enjoy this more or less? I enjoyed the points she brought out of the story and how she related it to waiting on God.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Question 4

What promise/hope are you watching for? How do you expect God to overwhelm your life?

Question 3

Anna had every reason to feel hopeless and useless. Yet, she believed God's promise that she was valuable to him. How do you know you are valuable to God?

Question 2

Anna gives us an example of how to wait on God. She was in constant prayer, meditation and surrounded her whole world around a relationship with Him. Shelia said that Anna's key to this was where her focus was... on Jesus. Where are you focusing your attention as you wait for God's promises in your life?

Question 1

Shelia quotes her son Christian on p. 44, "I just don't think I'll ever be good enough, so why keep trying..." I have felt like this a lot. Sometimes the plans that I have (and hope God supports) seem way to big or complicated for me. Can you relate to this quote? Do you give up because the scale of your goal it just to large?

Chapter 4 Discussion

I feel like God could have been really speaking to me in this chapter. I have a hard time knowing when to wait and when to move with God... or to step out even when I don't see God ready to catch me. I hope you all enjoyed it as well and found something that touched your own life and situation.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Question 5

God and His church can provide a wonderful place of belonging. Those of us who have found a place to belong with God and His family have an opportunity and I believe and obligation to support and help carry each other’s burdens. How can we better love and support each other? How can we carry out Paul’s words in Galatians 6:2?

Question 4

In the introduction to the chapter study (p. 240) Shelia talks about freedom. Freedom from relationships, career pressures and other situations. Many times in my life I have attempted to flee to “freedom” by moving, changing relationships, changing schools, homes, etc. I am still learning that God gives us freedom in any situation when we are living with and for Him. Can you relate? Have you or do you flee from pieces of your life instead of looking to God for true freedom?

Question 3

Are you afraid of showing others your true self? If so, why? If you feel like you are “real” with people why do you feel you can show your true self?

Question 2

I feel like most peoples’ entire existence is trying to find somewhere to belong. This seemed to be the core of this chapter. Have you experienced (or are experiencing) this longing? If you have experienced this how did you find your place and where was it?

Question 1

What did you think about the chapter? Was there anything that touched your heart or that you didn’t agree with?

Chapter 3 Discussion

Good Morning Everyone! I hope everyone had a nice week. I am home in Dayton, OH this weekend dealing with some family issues. Please keep them in your prayers. This is a hard time for our family and may have long lasting repercussions of events that have come about. Thank you. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Question 5

Have you ever heard God say "follow me..."? Did you ask questions or just go? What was your overall reaction? How did the situation turn out?

Question 4

Describe a time when you had to start over. How did the experience make you feel? What were the positive and negative emotions you dealt with?

Question 3

Read Isaiah 43:19-19. What does this verse mean to you or bring our in your own relationship with God?

Question 2

Shelia focuses on the verse in Proverbs... "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not unto your own understanding...". She asks the question "What does it look like to put aside my own understanding? I couldn't un-know what I knew". Can you relate to this statement?

Question 1

Obviously the "12 things" letter was written to Shelia but, did any of the numbers touch your heart or relate to what God has done or is doing in you?i

Chapter 2 Discussion

Good Morning and Happy Easter! I hope that you get a double blessing from the chapter today since much of it focuses on "New Life" and today is a day of Resurrection! First off, is there anything that stood out to you in the chapter that impacted you or you didn't agree with? If so, why?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Question 4

Is there a problem right now in your life that you are struggling with? Maybe it sends your emotions out of control or knocks you off your steady ground? How do you think God wants you to respond to the struggle you are dealing with now?

Question 3

Shelia writes about how she allowed outside influences sway her concept of herself and her own struggles. It seems like as women we do this so often. God seems to have us right where He wants us and then we allow others to sway us off His mark. Instead of having courage we run in fear. Why are we so easily swayed away from God and His plans?

Question 2

I am always trying to get God to change what is "wrong" with me and my current situation. I love the part in the chapter about learning to "stand still" with God. But, I know God has us each at a very specific place for a good reason. How can we learn to stand still with God?

Question 1

Like Shelia, I have asked God the "fix me" many times. Whether it was my emotions, or I wasn't able to measure up in a relationship, school, work, etc. Have you ever had this type of conversation with God?

Chapter 1 Discussion

I hope you all enjoyed reading the first chapter. Although it was short, I think that it had some issues that we all face as women. Emotional imbalances, depression, comparing ourselves to what others think and say about us, etc. Here are a few questions about the chapter. Feel free to comment, ask more questions of each other and discuss as openly as you feel comfortable with...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Welcome everyone to women4virtue! I am very excited to begin reading and discussing this wonderful book and growing in God with my closest friends. We have a wonderful opportunity to learn from and support each other while we grow in Christ. I am excited to get started!