Sunday, March 28, 2010

Question 4

Is there a problem right now in your life that you are struggling with? Maybe it sends your emotions out of control or knocks you off your steady ground? How do you think God wants you to respond to the struggle you are dealing with now?


  1. for me, i'm struggling with what to do with the rest of my life in terms f location, medical specialty, etc. the next year will bring a lot of changes and i have a lot of big decisions to make. i don't know what God wants me to do or how He wants me to handle it, and I think i am getting to the point hwere I may have to just throw up my hands--which, incidentally, is probably exactly where he wants me :)

  2. I feel the times I stop trying to control my future, God steps in and takes care of everything. So I'm thinking that the times I'm struggling with things - I should stop, talk to Him, and let him take the lead. Too bad it usually takes me a while to figure that out each time ;)

  3. There are issues with a couple of my students in which I often time have lots of guilt about. I want to help them but they are issues that are too big for me to handle. I need to practice giving these to God and letting Him use me as He will. So to answer the question: I feel that God wants me to be open to his still small voice and do the very best I can with these children. He never has asked us to be perfect but just to do our very best. Thank you Lord for giving me this peace.

  4. Carin- I think when it comes to big choices like that either God has a black and white plan or he opens several doors and lets us choose. I would pray about which way it is going to be. The good thing is that if it is your choice, he will bless not matter which thing you choose. If he has a black and white plan and you choose the wrong thing, He will let you know soon and HE will fix it.

    Amy- I feel that way with my family a lot. There are things that I just don't know how to or can't handle. I think my problem is when I give them to God and lay them at His feet I worry again. When I do this I am really not trusting him and picking them back up and putting them back on my shoulders. I have to practice keeping them with Jesus.
