Sunday, March 28, 2010

Question 2

I am always trying to get God to change what is "wrong" with me and my current situation. I love the part in the chapter about learning to "stand still" with God. But, I know God has us each at a very specific place for a good reason. How can we learn to stand still with God?


  1. I'm a planner. I like plans, I like to know what's going on. As a teenager I had my life listed out as a timeline of events. Highschool at age 18, College at 22, Married at 22-23, Kids at 28...etc. etc. I think it is so easy to get caught up in this world - and things of this world that we forget that we weren't made for this world...but for Him. So I think the first step, at least for me, to stand still with God is recognizing that I was made for Him.

  2. It is tough to be patient and fully let God lead. All of us in some ways have a "plan" in mind for our lives. It is funny how often God doesn't seem to cater to our "plan." I do like this (in the long run) but during these unexpected life changes it can be hard! Looking back on my life and seeing how things have worked out gives me confidence in the future with God! How great it is to know that He has a plan that is WAY better than what I can imagine. Thanks for being in control God!

  3. Amy - so true! Looking back I've had some heartaches from my "plans" that didn't work out. But now seeing how God led me through those heartaches makes me appreciate that where I am now is so much better than I could've ever imagined.
    His plan is so much better than mine! :)

  4. Your both right. I am a big planner too. This year my plans were really tested by not getting the job I wanted but instead teaching pre-school. There are several things God has been growing in my life though this year and If I had been in a job that I couldn't have as flexible of a schedule as I have many of the things God has been calling to me to do in my life and in the church could have never taken place.

    Your right, everything we do is for God and we need to remember that even if we are not in a ministry career it is still all for God. Everything we do should surround Him,

  5. Standing still with God is something, to be honest,is what I struggle with the most. I guess the part that bothers me the most is the fact I have no idea what's going on or what's going to happen next. God has been teaching me this. I look back in the past 4 years to how much things have changed from what I thought was going to happen. There are a lot of things that are the same, but theres plenty that's not. I know God knows best. I have seen that in my life. The only thing that has helped me in the past is when I pray to God for patience. He is our ever supplier when in need. :)
