Sunday, May 16, 2010

Question 4

Shelia writes that Gods love, and call for Tabitha embodied who she was. I so long for that... to be a woman for God. Not just a Christian woman but someone who God "embodies" 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. I just can never get to that point... How do you do this?


  1. I liked the part where Shelia was talking to a lady who asked her how she could become a writer and speaker like Shelia because she wanted to use her life for God. Sheila then asked the lady what she did for a living...and the woman said she was the mother of 7! I loved how Shelia made the comment that you don't have to be up front as a speaker, or writer, or in the public eye to change lives for Christ. By being a mom to 7, or whatever your profession may be - you can make a difference in the world. So I think embodying (is that even a word?) Christ would entail just living in Him. Recognizing the talents that He's given you and then use them in your life. I think it's all about the small things we do in life that make the difference. Smiling at a stranger could change their whole day. I think for me as a Christian - I sometimes forget that "doing things unto the least of these, you've done unto me." And I think these "things" can be small things too.

  2. Your right. Sometimes this concept of being "an average" person is hard for me. I love the idea of being great, unique and special... doing great things for God. Mic and I were reading our worship yesterday and talking about how God uses the weak, average people more then the great ones. God really moved on my heart on my way to work and reminded me that the more I have on my plate the harder it is to let him use me. There are huge blessings in being the every day person. That is who God came to save and who he uses!
