Sunday, May 2, 2010

Question 1

I really enjoyed the points the author brings out about how Jesus felt during Lazarus's death (p. 65). I couldn't help but wonder was Jesus questioning God? Was he asking the "why" question even though he knew why and that he could bring him back to life? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I've always kind of wondered that Jesus knew the whole time that Lazarus was dead...and used the story to teach a lesson to everyone, maybe even including himself. How much cooler of a story is it to bring someone back to life? How much more could that have impacted some lives rather than healing a sickness? I mean don't get me wrong...healing a sickness is awesome too...but maybe there were some doubters among the crowd(like me sometimes) who needed that "wow" miracle. I like to think that Jesus knew what He was doing at all times...and if He didn't, He had the brains to rely on His Father. I wish I could realize that I don't know what I'm doing at all times...and rely on my Father too.
