Sunday, April 4, 2010

Question 1

Obviously the "12 things" letter was written to Shelia but, did any of the numbers touch your heart or relate to what God has done or is doing in you?i


  1. I liked number's 4, 5 and 8. 4 and 5 kind of go hand in hand. I feel like being out of college, moving to Missouri and having new experiences here has opened up a whole new part of Tori that I didn't know about. God has been working so strongly in me, changing and molding my way of thinking since we have been here. I am so excited for the outcomes because I know he is preparing me for some great adventure!

    I love that quote from #8, " Remain transparent and simple, for the Lord is with simple-hearted people." I love the whole concept of having a simple life and Godly home. However, my mind is always clouded with thoughts and my schedule is constantly full. It is hard to keep a simple life. This is something I am striving for in our marriage and home. I feel like the more simple and plain we can keep our lives the more we can focus on God, His goodness and His plans.

  2. Oh I want a simple life! I totally relate to you Tori on what you said about how your thoughts are always clouded. I find that definitely the case in my prayer life. I begin to pray each night with full intentions on devoting time with God. But then my mind starts to think about work, or wedding plans, or basically anything else that is not praying and spending time with God. It is frustrating and maybe I should start praying first and foremost for clarity, then simplicity - because I do feel that we (I)should "remain transparent and simple, for the Lord is with simple-hearted people."

  3. I honestly couldn't agree more. I acutally pointed #8 out to my husband last night and we joked saying that if He was so close to simple-hearted people we hoped that He was even closer to us simple minded. Lol. I do desire a more simple life and it seems as though some days that the more I work to achieve that I end up making it more complicated. Carissa I entirely agree and entirely understand your prayer life dilema. I often lay in bed to say my prayers and find myself thinking about my little boy or my horses or my husband or the prospect of a new house and I then can't remember what even got me there. I get so frustrated and and then once more within my frustration my mind begins to wander again. I do pray for the Lord to help clear my mind so that it may be open to the simple message He has for my heart.
