Sunday, April 11, 2010

Question 1

What did you think about the chapter? Was there anything that touched your heart or that you didn’t agree with?


  1. There were a few things I found inspiring...and a few things that brought up some questions.
    I'll start with the things I'm questioning.
    -Page 28 talked about how we need to share our burdens with others in order to heal. Although I think part of this is true...I also feel that you have to be careful how much you become the "supporter" in the situation. I've had a few instances in my life where the people around me share their burdens, and share their burdens, and after hearing all their burdens for so long I'd become immune to it. So I think there's a difference between sharing what is truly burdening you...and complaining. I think because we as people can be very susceptable to other's feelings - while we should be compassionate to those around us - we need to guard our spirits as well.

    -Another thing (and it's minor...but it kind of bothered me) was the chapter's portion on Twitter. She mentioned that Twitter, etc. is so popular because this generation feels more disconnected than the last generation. Personally - I think this generation is more disconnected BECAUSE of Twitter, the internet, cell phones, etc. The fact that we can do so much from our couch has really isolated all of us. Instead of getting up and out and meeting people in person...we hide behind technology. I feel this has handicapped a lot of human interaction.

    On a different note - I loved what Sheila said about how old wounds don't go away and how little things can bring up the past in an instant. "I believe that moments like these, alhtough painful, are gifts to show us the parts of our heart that are still broken - and so that we can bring them to Christ for healing." I thought this was a great thought...and I loved how it reminded me that God never forgets us and knows when we're hurting. I love how he gives us little things in life to remind us that He's there and He wants to be a part of our lives.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I totally agree with the twitter statement. Are you really getting to know somebody by cyber stalking what they are willing to write in a status bar? I think not.

  4. hehe katie. i find facebook (since i'm not on twitter) is more of a thing to do when i'm bored at work. i really dont build many friendships via fb. :)

  5. I also agree. I think that is a great point. I facebook instead of calling so then I don't really communicate with the person! It is a lazy "out" for communication. Plus I didn't understand why there was a big portion about Twitter and why that was needed in the chapter.
