Sunday, April 4, 2010

Question 3

Read Isaiah 43:19-19. What does this verse mean to you or bring our in your own relationship with God?

1 comment:

  1. I really like this verse. Since my relationship with God is different than everyone else's I can't expect God to deal with me in the same way. Many times I ask for "burning bush" but I am not Moses. Even in my own walk, God doesn't answer me in the same way today as he did when He and I first met. We need to keep our eyes open to new things God will do.

    I think it is 1 Cor. 13:11. When we were children we acted like that, now that we are adults we need to act like adults (this is all spiritually of course). But when I was a baby Christian God came to me in big whistles and bells. Now that I am more of a grown up Christian He is more subtle because I should have a more developed, keen eye for how God speaks to me.
